Blog :: Team Our new look… “Truly successful decision-making relies on a balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking.”Malcolm Gladwell And that’s what’s brought us here, today, right now.20 years, some good decisions and some lucky ones based on instinct. We’ve met some amazing people along the way, and some of those we now call friends.There have been plenty of lessons learned about business, life, the wonder of people, and the world around us. We made the decision, some time ago, to give our brand a makeover. With a little help from Brand Specialists Design Kind, we were able to invest ourselves so it aligns with our values and is a true reflection of us as an organisation. We’ve brought the whole team with us and in the next few months, they will all contribute to this page so that you’re kept up to speed with the excitement and fast pace, the edge-of-your-seat world that is our world of tax minimisation and accounting. The other thing we did was upgrade the office! Just a little upgrade on the side, you know? We totally moved across town and it’s WILD! So, without further ado, we’d love to introduce you to the new face and offices of Better Accounting! We love our new digs, and since the snaps hardly do it justice, we’d love to see you drop in, have a look, and have a cuppa! Here’s to the next 20 years!